The Patient

A beautiful smile for all ages.


A beautiful smile for all ages.


A wonderful smile is not a gift that nature has given to everyone. A professional orthodontist can successfully correct malocclusion. Regardless of the patient's age

Orthodontics for children

We are a contractual partner of the Health Insurance Fund for the following services:

Orthodontic treatment for children is reimbursed for the following diagnoses:

  1. The upper jaw is 9 mm or more above the lower jaw (prognathic dentition with a sagittal bone of 9 mm or more).
  2. No contact of the front teeth and only the back canines are in contact (decay when only molars are in contact).
  3. If the anterior incisor or canine (deciduous incisors or canines) is not cut in time.
  4. If more than one permanent tooth has not formed on one side of the jaw (if there is no incisor, canine or more than one tooth on either side of the jaw).
  5. Cleft lip and palate and other congenital malformations of the maxillo-facial system.
  6. Tooth anomalies in severe or moderate obstructive sleep apnoea where adenotonsillectomy and positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy have proved ineffective.
  7. Deep traumatic edentulism where the lower incisors are in direct contact with the mucosa.
  8. Lateral crossbite of three or more teeth on one side of the jaw, with significant disturbance of facial symmetry and jaw development and growth.
  9. The lower jaw is in front of the upper one (progence).

A guide to queueing

You can register for a treatment appointment at the Vunder Ortho clinic, by phone, e-mail or via the website:

(+372) 655 6060.

The waiting list will be registered by the registrar on weekdays between:
MON – SUN: 8:00 – 17:00.
R: 8:00 – 15:00

The following information is required to register on the waiting list or waiting list:

  • the patient’s first name, surname, personal identification number or, failing this, date of birth
  • contact details of the patient or guardian
    planned appointment time
  • the date of registration of the patient on the waiting list
  • referral letter or contact details of the referring doctor

The patient shall be informed of the date and time of the appointment, the name of the attending doctor. A reminder of the appointment will also be sent to the patient by telephone the day before the appointment.

In the event of a change to the treatment schedule, we are obliged to inform the patient of the change within one working day of the change at the latest.

We provide services on the basis of the waiting list within the scope of the Health Insurance Fund contract. Outside the general waiting list, in the absence of health insurance or the required referral letter, we offer a paid service.

Visitors' fee

A visit fee of 5€ will be added to all Vunder Orthodontics clinic services.

NB! Orthodontic consultation is FREE of charge for patients under 19 years of age without a referral!

According to § 70(5) of the Health Insurance Act, no visit fee may be charged if:

  • Specialised outpatient care is provided to a pregnant woman.
  • Specialised out-patient care is provided to an insured person under the age of two years

Cancellation of a booked appointment by the patient less than 24 hours before the start of the visit or no-show entitles Vunder Orthodontics to charge a fee of EUR 50.

It is possible to cancel or modify the booked appointment during the opening hours of the clinic:
by telephone (+372) 655 6060

All feedback is important!

Complaints handling

If you are dissatisfied with the health care service financed by the Health Insurance Fund, you have the right to lodge a complaint – , phone (+372) 655 6060.

Or contact your regional department:
Health Insurance Fund (tel. (+372) 669 6630, ).
(tel. (+372) 794 3500, ) (666 6666 66 6666, )

For information

  • Non-anonymous complaints will be answered.
  • The complaint is registered in the register of suggestions and complaints.
  • Only the person who made the complaint and was served at the Vunder Orthodontia clinic will be answered (except in cases provided for by law).
  • The manager of Vunder Orthodontia Ltd. is always informed of the complaint made.
  • In the case of a written (electronic) complaint, a reply is guaranteed within 10 working days.

All complaints (statements) and replies will be recorded (kept) in the register.

All staff of the treatment facility are obliged to resolve any problems related to the complaint within the limits of their competence. If an interview fails to resolve the problem, a complaint registration form will be completed and forwarded to the clinic manager within 24 hours. The complaints procedure is the responsibility of the clinic manager, who will be advised by the clinic’s medical director.

Formal complaints include complaints submitted on paper or electronically that require lengthy investigation. The complaint must be signed. All documents submitted in the course of the complaint, correspondence received, details of persons involved in the complaint, etc., must be documented, together with the identity of the complainant (name, surname, personal identification number, address and telephone number). The head of the clinic is obliged to clarify the facts and respond to the complaint within 20 working days.

Vunder Orthodontics Lachen
A beautiful smile is the foundation of confidence.